I haven't been using the Wii Fit because I haven't been exercising, other than my normal life stuff. But 3 weeks ago I did hop on to do my body test and check my weight. I like that it saves it automatically, I don't have to do anything, etc. I just checked again today and it said I'm down 2.4 lbs! Of course, it also says your weight can fluctuate up to 2 lbs throughout the day and the last check I did was at night.
If I've lost weight, I don't know where it came from. Nothing feels or looks smaller. And my clothes are still fitting the same.
starting a new week
After kind of crashing this weekend, I'm ready to start a new week. I haven't even tracked my food for the last few days. But I'm back and possibly ready to add in some exercise. I still don't have any energy and my back is bothering me, but maybe a little Wii Fit will not hurt too much.
Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm in the middle of Week 4 and discouraged. I've been doing so well, eating salads, giving up the dew, drinking tons of water, and eating healthier overall. I don't feel any better. My fatigue level is still high and I don't have more energy. My pants are tighter than before. I'm fighting very hard not to give up. I just wish I could see or feel something that would give me some encouragement.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On the go
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Busy, busy today. So far I've had my usual oatmeal for breakfast, 50oz of water, and I splurged for a light no whip venti caramel mocha frappuccino. I'm going to enjoy my salad in a few minutes. Then I have 30 oz more of water and a fiber bar for at work tonight.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

starting week 3
Today was the start of week 3. I'm doing well on my water intake. I think I've just about broken my dew habit and replaced it with water. Woohoo for me!!
I still need to find some foods that will help increase my daily calories and still be healthy. I don't have a problem with being able to eat more, I have the appetite, I'm just unsure of what to choose.
I still need to find some foods that will help increase my daily calories and still be healthy. I don't have a problem with being able to eat more, I have the appetite, I'm just unsure of what to choose.
Monday, July 13, 2009

Today marks the end of my first 2 weeks!! I think I've done extremely well considering my typical lack of self control. I'm staying focused and really working hard. I'm consistently down to little or no dew every day and tons of water.
I've started tracking my food on sparkpeople.com just to get an idea of my overall calorie intake and the amount of carbs, protein and fat I'm getting. You can view my detailed food journal here. The link also appears on the right hand side of my blog under my links section.
I'm not sure I'm eating enough calories, but am also not sure what else to add to my diet. A little research will hopefully help that.
I've started tracking my food on sparkpeople.com just to get an idea of my overall calorie intake and the amount of carbs, protein and fat I'm getting. You can view my detailed food journal here. The link also appears on the right hand side of my blog under my links section.
I'm not sure I'm eating enough calories, but am also not sure what else to add to my diet. A little research will hopefully help that.
moment of weakness
So I've been doing really great with my eating. Salads for lunch, plenty of water, little or no dew. Yesterday, I was at my sister's all day helping with work and she sent me out for Taco Bell for lunch. I had a Nachos Bell Grande and a XL dew. It was good, but I felt really full afterwards, like I had eaten way too much. I did make sure to get in enough water though. Dinner was french toast. I only had 2 pieces, with a little bit of butter, and some All Fruit jelly instead of syrup. My snack later was a peach.
I just finished my salad for today's lunch - yes late. It was so good! I think I may have retrained my taste buds. LOL I'm working tonight so I'll have to make an effort to find an easy, healthy snack I can take.
I just finished my salad for today's lunch - yes late. It was so good! I think I may have retrained my taste buds. LOL I'm working tonight so I'll have to make an effort to find an easy, healthy snack I can take.
Thursday, July 9, 2009

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Dinner's already in the crockpot!
Baked Penne:
penne noodles - I don't measure, but probably use 1-1/2 cups.
1 jar of spaghetti sauce
shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 water
Rinse penne and layer bottom of crockpot with about 1/3 of the noodles. They shouldn't be on top of each other, just a single layer. Pour on a layer of spaghetti sauce and top with cheese. Repeat until the sauce is gone. Pour about 1/2 cup water around the edges of the crockpot. It helps the noodles cook better. Cook on high for about 4 hours, or until noodles are cooked. Enjoy!
Baked Penne:
penne noodles - I don't measure, but probably use 1-1/2 cups.
1 jar of spaghetti sauce
shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 water
Rinse penne and layer bottom of crockpot with about 1/3 of the noodles. They shouldn't be on top of each other, just a single layer. Pour on a layer of spaghetti sauce and top with cheese. Repeat until the sauce is gone. Pour about 1/2 cup water around the edges of the crockpot. It helps the noodles cook better. Cook on high for about 4 hours, or until noodles are cooked. Enjoy!
Monday, July 6, 2009

Fruit Smoothie
It's summertime and the best time for a fruit smoothie! After some watermelon, I'm now enjoying another smoothie.
Fruit Smoothie
orange juice
frozen strawberries
frozen blueberries
Blend in blender until pureed.
Fruit Smoothie
orange juice
frozen strawberries
frozen blueberries
Blend in blender until pureed.
first weekend
Today marks Day 7 of my commitment and the end of the first weekend. I did fairly well overall. Today's menu consisted of cheerios with a banana. Zucchini quesadilla and watermelon. A small piece of fudge. A peach and more watermelon. Oatmeal with milk. And a handful of mixed nuts. And a lot of water. Not as much as I should have, but enough. And I didn't have any dew, proving that I can have 1 one day and go back to not having any the next.
Looking forward to starting week 2!
Looking forward to starting week 2!
Sunday, July 5, 2009

happy 4th!
Happy 4th of July!
Today we celebrated Joshua's 6th birthday! It's hard to believe he's getting so old. And it is the 4th of July. So today wasn't the best day for my eating. Breakfast and lunch were good - oatmeal and milk, then a salad with egg. I did get all my water in for today. But I also had a piece of cake, a few jellybeans, a few licks of frosting and extra crumbs of cake. It's so easy to just eat and lick things when you're cooking! Dinner was a hot dog with bun, corn on the cob, chips and dip, and a little macaroni salad. On top of all that, I had a venti caramel mocha frappuccino, a small cup of coffee with french vanilla creamer, and 1 can of mountain dew. Whoa, that seems like so much! It's so easy to just get eating and not realize what I'm doing.
So I went a little crazy, but I'm not beating myself up. I got my water intake for the day and I am still cutting way back on the dews. Today makes day 6 of trying to break my dew habit and I've been able to stick with it. Baby steps.
Today we celebrated Joshua's 6th birthday! It's hard to believe he's getting so old. And it is the 4th of July. So today wasn't the best day for my eating. Breakfast and lunch were good - oatmeal and milk, then a salad with egg. I did get all my water in for today. But I also had a piece of cake, a few jellybeans, a few licks of frosting and extra crumbs of cake. It's so easy to just eat and lick things when you're cooking! Dinner was a hot dog with bun, corn on the cob, chips and dip, and a little macaroni salad. On top of all that, I had a venti caramel mocha frappuccino, a small cup of coffee with french vanilla creamer, and 1 can of mountain dew. Whoa, that seems like so much! It's so easy to just get eating and not realize what I'm doing.
So I went a little crazy, but I'm not beating myself up. I got my water intake for the day and I am still cutting way back on the dews. Today makes day 6 of trying to break my dew habit and I've been able to stick with it. Baby steps.
Saturday, July 4, 2009

They came!
Our science and history books came today! I am so excited to be able to read through them. Looks like a lot of exciting stuff!
Friday, July 3, 2009

Fun Friday night
We took the kids out to Chuck E Cheese tonight. I knew that if I got a drink there I would end up having 1-2 refills. So instead I had 1 can of mountain dew before we left and I drank water with dinner. I had 2 pieces of pizza, not exactly healthy, but not too bad considering how well I've been doing the rest of the week. Afterwards we stopped by McDonalds and I had a hot fudge sundae with nuts. MMM, it was good! I didn't get in as much water today as I should have, but still much more than I was drinking.
And the biggest shock. I opened a case of dew last Sunday and I haven't finished it yet!
And the biggest shock. I opened a case of dew last Sunday and I haven't finished it yet!
the picture says it all
Fantastic Friday!
Breakfast was a little bland today since I tried not to add as much brown sugar to my oatmeal. But I managed. I'm just about finished with 30 oz. of water!
day 4 down!
Another day and I did pretty well! I'm surprised at how well my self control is holding up. I decided against the dew since I had the frappuccino. But I did end up getting hungry for dinner and had a bowl of Apple Jacks. Oopsie. I got my water in for today though and tomorrow's another day!
Thursday, July 2, 2009

My cousins spent the day here and when my aunt came to pick them up, she brought me a venti caramel mocha frappucino. Of course, I had to drink it! And it was at dinner time so I didn't eat anything else. Now I'm debating whether or not I should still have the dew that I was promising myself....
science and history
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Charlotte Mason,
I finally ordered a curriculum for science and history/geography. It's by Simply Charlotte Mason and I am so excited about it! The science is 106 Days of Creation Studies. It goes through each day of creation expanding on what was created that day. It's obviously very Biblical based and mainly consists of Bible reading, reading other books, and hands-on activities and field trips. No textbooks!
History/Geography will be a similar approach. Using the Bible and other selected books, we'll be studying Genesis through Deuteronomy and Ancient Egypt. No textbooks, just Bible reading, other books and hands-on activities.
The best part of both of these is that because it is real life stuff, the kids won't think of it as school or boring. It will be fun stuff that will encourage their love of reading as well as journaling, drawing, and other activities. And all three children will be participating.
History/Geography will be a similar approach. Using the Bible and other selected books, we'll be studying Genesis through Deuteronomy and Ancient Egypt. No textbooks, just Bible reading, other books and hands-on activities.
The best part of both of these is that because it is real life stuff, the kids won't think of it as school or boring. It will be fun stuff that will encourage their love of reading as well as journaling, drawing, and other activities. And all three children will be participating.
another lunch, another salad
More salad for lunch today. Day 4. I did cheat and have two pieces of bacon crumbled over it, but I went for the raspberry spritzer dressing to balance it out a bit. I also had a tomato fresh from our garden! Two dark cocoa roasted almonds finished it off.
About an hour or so later, I got hungry so I had a huge fruit smoothie. 2 hours later I had 6 whole wheat ritz crackers with cheese. Yum!
I just finished up 60 oz. of water for today! And so far no dew, but I think I may have one later.
About an hour or so later, I got hungry so I had a huge fruit smoothie. 2 hours later I had 6 whole wheat ritz crackers with cheese. Yum!
I just finished up 60 oz. of water for today! And so far no dew, but I think I may have one later.
I started off the day half and half. I had my usual oatmeal. I'm cutting back on the 2 heaping teaspoons of brown sugar, today I only used one. Some things I won't completely give up. But I had also had a piece of bacon. Ya, oatmeal and bacon don't really go together, but Tim is home and he made some so I ate a piece. And saved some for my salad at lunch time. Hope it doesn't set me back too much.
It's nearly 11am and I haven't had anything to drink yet, besides my milk with breakfast. Starting to feel thirsty so I need to get started on my water.
It's nearly 11am and I haven't had anything to drink yet, besides my milk with breakfast. Starting to feel thirsty so I need to get started on my water.
finishing the day
I finished the day off pretty well. Dinner was leftovers, but I chose to have just a small piece of cheeseburger pie. Then I made a fruit smoothie with OJ, banana, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and peaches. Very yummy!
I ended the night out for coffee with my sister. I was very good all day in anticipation for splurging. I have a venti non-fat white chocolate mocha latte with no whip. So I saved calories by having non-fat and forgoing the whipped cream. And I'm proud to say that I didn't eat after that. Tim and I stayed up and watched a movie and I didn't even go for a late night snack.
Today also marks the first day I've gone without any mountain dew in, well, a long time.
I ended the night out for coffee with my sister. I was very good all day in anticipation for splurging. I have a venti non-fat white chocolate mocha latte with no whip. So I saved calories by having non-fat and forgoing the whipped cream. And I'm proud to say that I didn't eat after that. Tim and I stayed up and watched a movie and I didn't even go for a late night snack.
Today also marks the first day I've gone without any mountain dew in, well, a long time.
Indian longhouse Diorama
Jacob wanted to build a real longhouse with popsicle sticks, so of course we did. It was a lot of fun, the kids enjoyed putting the whole diorama together.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I just finished my wonderful lunch. Romaine lettuce with a hard-boiled egg, a handful of croutons, and creamy caesar dressing. I also finished my first 30oz. or so of water. I feel full, but still wanting something sweet. Maybe a small piece of fudge will do the trick.....
so I'm not really a food fanatic...
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but it sounded like a good name! This is my attempt to keep a journal of what I'm eating. Hopefully, by being more conscience of what is going into my body, I'll be able to make better choices. I'm not a health nut or really even that food conscience, but I know the basics of what is good and what is not. By replacing some of the "nots" with more of the "good", I hope to become a bit more healthy and lose some weight.
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