first week done!

We made it through our first week of school!

It was a very busy week. Besides just getting started, all 3 kids had science classes on Tuesday at the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI). Thursday we had reading group, PE, then our monthly homeschool meeting. Lots going on!

MOSI classes went pretty well. Joshua cried and screamed about getting left there, but was able to calm down and enjoy the class. Leanna had a great time making clouds from cotton balls, touching a cloud, and making a weather chart.

PE went great this week. Jacob participated and did very well at kickball. He needs some practice on stretching though. LOL

Reading groups also went well. I am leading the youngest group and have Leanna, Joshua and one other little girl. We had a great time with the book Harry the Dirty Dog this month and I can't wait to pick my selection for next month. Jacob's group is reading The Boxcar Children and he seems excited.

We had a few challenges this week with attitudes and my getting sick, but still managed to get everything I had planned done. I get complaints about doing some of the things, but once we get started they all seem to enjoy it.

Jacob's tall tale

Leanna's handwriting

Joshua's cursive handwriting


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