We're getting closer to the end of our school year! We should be officially done by the end of May, but are going to continue some things throughout the summer. We have all been enjoying the read-aloud unit study so I am planning on keeping that going.
We finished The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The kids really enjoyed the book and I'm so proud that Jacob was able to read a good portion of it himself. Joshua is already asking to read the next one. I picked up an animated version on video from the library
We just started The Indian in the Cupboard as our next book. The kids weren't too excited, in fact Jacob hid the book from me so I wouldn't start reading. But once I got them interested in coloring a picture of an Indian, I was able to start reading. I think they will enjoy it the more we get into it and hopefully they will end up captivated and wanting to know what happens. I've never read the book so it's a new story for me. I'm excited about adding some history about Indians into it and plan on having each of the children notebook about what they've learned. I bought a unit study for Jacob and he'll be doing quite a bit with comprehension, vocabulary, as well as creative writing and other activities.
The younger two are doing well with their basic stuff. Joshua is really getting a handle on math. Leanna can say about half the letter sounds by herself now.
Jacob is wrapping on the formal part of his school year. Phonics and writing are done, we're just finishing up some testing. We have a few more concepts for math, but it will be easy for him to get those done and finish.
Tim and I are excited about attending the FPEA Homeschool Convention in 2 weeks. We're looking forward to looking at some different curriculum opportunities as well as attending workshops by vendors and speakers.
The kids have been having their own self-guided art class lately. They get into the craft supplies and I just let them go at it and their imaginations run wild. This morning they made puppets with foam stickers and popsicle sticks. Then they each did a puppet show for me. They also got their animals to watch.
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