A Little Peace

Is it sad that I don't mind waiting at the doctor's office because it means a little peace and quiet? Same with the dentist - 45 minutes of reclining in a position where it's impossible for any of my four children can bother me. Now, I do love all my little ragamuffins. But after a week full of crankiness, fevers, snot, barf, arguing, fighting, a nosebleed, all on top of me being sick, I'm glad for a few minutes of serenity while the man is at home with the kids. It won't last. Tonight I'll be back in full mommy mode for "family movie night" complete with popcorn. But for now I'm savoring the sound of the radio, the hum of the a/c, the light chatter of the receptionists. These are such calming noises compared with what I left behind.


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